Faculty of Conservation and Reastauration of Works of Art
full-cycle studies, 5th year
Conservation and restoration of a 15th-century sudarium from the collection of the National Museum in Gdańsk, from a complex of late medieval paraments from St. Mary’s Church in Gdańsk
Conservation and restoration of a 15th-century sudarium from the collection of the National Museum in Gdańsk, from a complex of late medieval paraments from St. Mary’s Church in Gdańsk
Studio of Conservation and Restoration of Textiles
Head of the studio
adi. dr Monika Stachurska, as. mgr. Anna Konopko
silk velvet, woven band made from metal threads, silk lampas, plain-weave cotton and linen fabrics, nodule made from metal threads, silk yarn
67x59,5 cm
Research and conservation treatment were conducted as part of coursework. The activities included a partial, indispensable disassembling of the object for the period of the treatment, cleaning of all the parts, lining the fabrics with a second support fabric and re-assembling. On the left we can see the object before the works, on the right after conservation.