Conservation and restoration of an easel painting ‘11th Station of the Cross: Jesus Is Nailed to the Cross’
Conservation and Restoration of Painting on Moving Surfaces I
Head of the studio
dr hab. Anna Dorota Potocka prof ASP, Adi. dr Katarzyna Górecka, Asystent Łucja Nowak-Wróblewska
oil on canvas
65,5cm x 79,2 cm
The painting under conservation, along with the entire cycle, is kept in the Church of the Holy Trinity in Mogielnica. The author is unknown; the painting was made
in the Częstochowa painting guild workshop. The aim of conservation works was to prevent further degradation of the work, to restore its artistic and aesthetic value, and to stabilise and reinforce all technological layers of the painting.
The basic conservation issue was detaching the painting from the wooden panel
and straightening the plane of the painting in order to remove deformations and waves.
The object was subjected to comprehensive conservation, which included the cleaning of the face
and the reverse side, the reinforcement of the canvas surface with doublage, the supplementation of missing parts and the retouch of the paint layer.